Women and Men's Connection

Explore the ministry opportunities for women and men at North Shore

Women's Connection

At North Shore we love getting people connected. Women's connection is a time set aside just for the girls, women, ladies of our church to connect, pray, encourage, and strengthen each other.

Typically each Tuesday evening from September to June, women to come and share their needs and blessings with each other and with God. Thursday night gatherings are also set aside for exploring the bible and understanding together what it says and means for our lives.

Men's Group

Men are a valuable part of our church community and we want to make sure our church provides opportunities for men to encourage one another and spur each other on.

We meet at 7:00 pm Wednesday night at different homes. Stay tuned on our Sunday announcements and join our email list to find out locations. You can always contact us to find our where we are meeting.