What is Missions?

Missions is generally thought of as an international initiative but mission is applied locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.

While a majority of our support goes to international efforts, we believe and support prayerfully and/or financially some local lead initiatives, regional opportunities and national priorities of our fellowship.

Missions is being who God has created us to be and sharing the hope and faith we have with the world around us.

We believe in the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20 where Jesus everywhere we go, we should make disciples.

In short, missions is an initiative to make disciples of all nations. This means, kids, youth, adults, seniors from varying backgrounds and cultures.

We know that Jesus came for all people and we are a part of a fellowship of churches and organizations that work to reach all people.

Who Do We Support?

We have partnered with the Kenyamanyara family for a number of years through prayer and finances. They have served in a variety of capacities but currently, they are serving as the Director at the Village of Hope in Mwanza Tanzania and as church planters at Petra City Church. The mission of Village of Hope is to bring lasting hope to vulnerable children.

As director and administrator for VOH Mwanza, Julius and Jade are involved in the leadership and daily running of the Village. At VOH Mwanza there are currently 86 children between the ages of 3 and 20 including 12 special needs children who are cared for at the Village. Mwanza Pentecostal Church onsite reaches out to the surrounding community as well; sharing the love of Jesus Christ and the hope that is found only in Him.

We are excited to continue to see God use Julius and their three boys in incredible ways. Julius, along with his children, continue to feel a strong call from God to continue the work they began and it is our conviction to continue to support his important God-given work.

More about Julius Village of Hope Africa
What this means for You

You can be a part of our story of serving and generosity. You can make a difference by the following action steps.

You can start by praying. Maybe that is something new for you but we believe by taking this simple step of faith, you are opening up the door for God to do incredible things in you and through you.

You can Donate to our missions ministry. Every dollar given is eligible for a charitable tax receipt. You can do this here on our website with a credit card or debit visa /MasterCard, through e-transfer, or in-person with cash or cheque. 

You can get involved. Contact us for opportunities to serve with us. Whether it is a local event like the annual senior's banquet, our high school lunch program, or another special initiative, we want to involve you.

Give to Missions
Missions Team 2024
Help Send Nancy to Uganda!

In 2024, Nancy Avery will be once again heading out overseas to the country of Uganda.She will be serving at "The Shepherd's House Childcare Ministries". She will be helping with social work and projects the community around the compound. She will assist with childcare in the orphanage and assist the teaching staff at the school.

Nancy experienced her first overseas missions experience last year when our church sent a team to Mwanza Tanzania! We are excited to prayerfully and financially partner with her as we recognize this call of God on her life. She is working hard to raise the $4000 required to go. Anything above and beyond her expenses will go to North Shore Church's Missions Fund which supports the work of our Global and local Partners.

Would you consider sponsoring our team with a financial contribution? We cannot do this without partners like you. A gift of any amount is valuable and makes a difference. It is our core belief that generosity produces generosity. God blesses a cheerful giver, and we know God will bless you.

We invite you to be a part of our team by donating or sponsoring the North Shore Church Missions Team to be a part of a life-changing and life-giving opportunity.

All donations can be made to “North Shore Church” Memo: “Missions” by Cheque, Cash, E-Transfer giving@theNorthShore.Church, or by credit card on our website (Click the Button Below), TheNorthShore.Church. Every donation over $20 is eligible for a charitable tax receipt at the end of the year (Charitable number 108068651 RR001).

Any extra money raised above and beyond our goal will be used to continue to missions work we do outlined in our annual missions budget at North Shore Church. This will help support the current and future needs of our partners and support any future teams who travel as well.

Give to Nancy's Trip