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Greetings! Here is a breif snapshot of what is happening! 

Training Leaders

The end of September we held our annual training day for leaders. While primarily revovling around providing a safe and secure environemnt for kids, youth, and vulnerable adults, it was a refreshing time to see a snapshot of the leaders invovled at North Shore Church, most of us being volunteers. 

Thank you to Katie who was the main trainer for this important gathering and thank you to everyone who serves at North Shore Church with their time! It really truly makes a difference. 

Sending Missionaries

Nancy is now in Uganda and starting the work that God has placed on her heart for many years. We conitnue to pray for her each day. I encourage everyone to put a reminder in their phone to pray. Wwe cannot wait to hear what God is doing in Uganda and what God will do in Nancy's life and for her faith as she serves. 

Raising the Roof 

Ok, this is an item that requires much prayer and consideration. We are blessed as a congregation to have our building as a valuable resource and tool for ministry. Personally, I have not had much experience roofing but I have learned a lot the last couple of years. The Pastor's council and myself have tried and failed to secure a roofer and missions team to come and help us with this project. Our goal is to install a roof that will last. This means adding some venting that does not currently exist and using materials that hold up to the test of time weather wise. We will need to hire a contractor for this project. The cost of materials are up and so is the cost of labour. However, to accomplish our goal of creating a sustainable building long-term, it is necessary we go down this path.

This is a BIG ask. We need about $17,000 dollars. Currently we sit at $16,000 saved for this project. I am confident that God will provide for all of our needs according to His will. I am also convinced that God blesses a cheerful giver. Paul instructs the church in Corinth to give to God what you have decided in your heart to give. Recently our Wednesday small group was challenged to give, not out of a place of extra but rather from a place of lack. Meaning, give to God as an act of faith instead of an act of certainty. I am asking us and you as a church to consider giving to God in a way that will require you to take a step of faith. Not to give whatever extra you might have sitting around, but to give something that you will have to rely on God for. We are not suggesting something unwise or foolish, but rather a step of faith knowing you have heard from Holy Spirit to make this happen.